Dr Jean - Pierre AMSELLEM

Dr Jean-Pierre Amsellem is educational consultant for aesthetic specialists of the PALM BEACH, JUPITER, FLORIDA. Dr Amsellem wrote a book, in Florida, in 2010, " BEAUTY IS IN THE FAT", prefaced by Pierre Fournier. Dr Amsellem has chosen to write this text as a culminate of his life's work and in it, he demonstrates his passion for liposculpture and the elusive, nebulous perception that is Beauty. Through his years devoted to the study of all that is beautiful he has concluded that in fact, Beauty is simply EMOTION. Jean-Pierre Amsellem practices his aesthetic art in France. He travels the world providing training and education in liposculpture and facial rejuvenation and finds great satisfaction in sharing his knowledge and skill. He lives in Bordeaux and has three sons whom he is eternally grateful for their love and support.