Professional experience 1980 : beginning of private practice in Paris and assistant at the European Hospital in Aubervilliers , Dr Charles Grupper Departement. 1983-1990: Assistant at the Herfordt British hospital, Levallois Perret.(Charles Grupper department) 1990-1995:Assistant at, St Louis Hopital, Pr Morel Dermatologic Departement. 1995-2003: Assistant at Centre Sabouraud, Skin and Scalp research institute, St LOUIS hospital, Pr Morel departement • Member of the French dermatology Society(1981) • Member of the AAD American Academy of Dermatology (1983) • Member of l'Internationnal Society of Dermatologic Surgery (1981) • Vice president of the French Israeli Derm association (2003) • September 2000: founder of the VIGIPIL group( vigilance peelings injection lasers). which try trough internet to list the side effects of every esthetic and cosmetic dermatologic technique • Author of numerous talks and articles about esthetic and cosmetic Dermatology and participating to numerous meetings as a guest speaker (peelings fillers, lasers, melasma treatement, botox ,photoaging cosmetology and anti-oxydant drugs). •Participating as a teacher of French University fillers diploma (TARNIER hospital) •Europeean expert for fillers investigation •International expert for Cosmetic active International (healthy skin group) •Scientific director for Elsevier Editor (2006-2007-2008): “Chemical peels”, “ Scars revisions “, “Soft tissue augmentation" french edition