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4 présentations / modérateurs 1 vidéo

Dr Sandrine SEBBAN

Médecin Esthétique

Sandrine SEBBAN, MD, is a Cosmetical Physician. She has been educated and trained in Paris-France : Master Course Degree in Biology & Toxicology, then certifications in Mesotherapy, Laser for Skin Rejuvenation and Hair removal and in Injection and Filling Techniques in Dermatology and Aesthetic surgery.For more than 15 years, she has been practicing in her own private office in Paris in the broad spectrum of aesthetics (including filler injections, peelings, mesotherapy, PRP, contour threads, skin resurfacing lasers).She is also a reference physician for clinical experiments with aesthetics laboratories (Allergan, Galderma, Vivacy, Teoxane) and a international filler injection trainer as well as speaker.Finally she’s the inventor of « the Soft Filling Technique », a highly innovative micro-cannula-based filler injection technique launched internationally in 2009 and of the “One Point Technique” launched in 2012.

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